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Fees shifted during remote instruction period

During this time of remote/online instruction, OLLU is continuing to provide student services. Fees normally used for campus-based services are being shifted to provide a continuation of services via remote/online access. The following offers information on the application of fees for remote services.

Health Services Fee

The Health Services Office staff and the Counseling Services staff are assisting students through tele-visits. Due to COVID-19 concerns there has been an increased demand for these services and hours have been extended. The Health Services fee funds these services.

Library Fee

The university has made a significant investment in digital materials over the last two months to accommodate online instruction and to meet student needs remotely. Librarians continue to be available to students through remote access and have extended their online hours to assist students with needed materials. Library fees have helped to support this.

Student Activity Fee

Student Activity fees are governed and managed by the Student Government Association (SGA). The SGA has continued to use these funds to serve students by supporting remote services including student recognition events, online recreational sports instruction, and student organization support. In addition, the SGA allocated some of their funds to support a laptop loan program for students.

Technology Fee

The Technology Fee supports all aspects of technology for instruction and student services. Moving to remote instruction and services has required significant investments to extend bandwidth and to supplement the technology needed for the learning management system and communication tools such as Skype and WebEx.

Lab Fees

Lab fees are dependent on specific courses. Most instructors are removing lab fees, but in some cases they are needed to cover costs associated with online lab experiences.


OLLU is a non-profit institution. All funds go to instruction and related support services. At this time, funds are being shifted to make online instruction and services possible, but they are all still being used to serve our students. Information on how to access remote student services is available at this link:

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