8th Annual Confetti 5K Run and Walk a big success 

OLLU concluded its 8th annual Confetti 5K Run & Walk on Saturday with Forest Isenhour and Bethany Iniguez winning top overall medal honors amid a shower of confetti at the finish line.

Isenhour, a former track and cross country runner at Western Michigan University, finished with the top overall time of 15 minutes and 52 seconds. Iniguez, a competitive local runner, finished first overall among women in 22:42.

An official Fiesta event, the 5K race featured music, food and drink vendors and runners from across the metropolitan area, who started and finished the race in front of OLLU’s historic Main Building.

“We had another amazing Confetti 5K that brought together so many people from across Bexar County,” said OLLU president Abel Chávez, PhD, MBA. “This was a fantastic way to start Fiesta! Best of all, we were able to raise money for student scholarships.”